Some Client Organisations we have worked with
Together with Partners
Ubiquitous Network Design for defense security monitoring system on thermoelectric power plant
Dangin, South Korea
Joined a “No-Barrier” security system for Korea Hydro & Nuclear power
Wolsong, KangWon-Do, South Korea
Joined Network Infrastructure Design for defense Border security monitoring system, Korea Ministry of national defense. Project: Phase 2
Gangwon-Do, South Korea
Joined the “No-Barrier” security system for Korea Hydro & Nuclear power
Uljin, Kyung Sang Buk Do, South Korea
Joined a defense security monitoring system for Korea Ministry of national defense – Project: Phase 1
Gangwon-Do, South Korea
Joined a defense security monitoring system for National Archives of Korea
Gangwon-Do, South Korea
Developed a SIM (integrated security management) system
Seoul, South Korea
Hannsoft “YECA Project” consulting
Seoul, Korea
Consulting Network Infrastructure and System KiChan Internet
KwangJoo, JeonRaNam-Do, South Korea
Consulting for Simulation of 3D war game, Network, System, Application TWGS for Army
Chung Cheong Nam-Do, South Korea
3-D Simulator for Korea Army battery, System, Contents, & 3D graphic Engine
Jang Seong, South Korea
Consulting for Rural Internet Network (Wireless last-mile) for City of Eugene
Eugene, Oregon, United States of America
Consulting Portland Metro Network for City of Portland
Portland, Oregon, United States of America
Portland Metro Network Designed and Installation for City of Portland Phase 1
Portland, Oregon, United States of America
Portland Metro Network Designed for City of Portland Phase II
Portland, Oregon, United States of America
Portland Public School (PPS) District E-learning Application Platform III Development
Portland, Oregon, United States of America
Portland public School (PPS) Content Servers Designed
Portland, Oregon, United States of America
Consulting SI project for Country Network Sacramento City
Sacramento, California, United States of America
Consulting for CDMA cell network for Verizon 2G
San Diego, California, United States of America
IP network consulting & Design (Area: New York City) for Earthlink Inc
New York, United States of America
T-mobile Telecom (Deutsche Telecom) Consulting for mobile game platform
Bonn, Germany
OEM Designed for layer- 3IP network switch and Network installation (Sub-Contractor) in Hong Kong for Siemens
Berlin, Germany
Deutsche Telecom IP network join-consulting and Designed for Hungary
Bonn, Germany